Do You Value Your Life ?

This seems like a no-brainer question. If I would ask one hundred people this question, it is safe to say ninety-nine would answer yes. However action, truly speaks louder than words. Why would 85 % of humanity be willing to remain blind, death, and dumb. They have eyes but can’t see, ears but can’t hear, and have tongues but can’t speak . Of course , the meaning implied here is strictly figurative. What I am getting at is a herd mentality, where people today are easily led in the wrong direction, and hard to lead in the right direction.

Let’s start with economic value, and the disproportionate balance between the elite, and the masses. A master can’t rule a slave, if the slave has the same knowledge as the master. So by design knowledge especially when it comes to economics is held back from the masses. There are numerous ways this is systematically done through various institutions to get the desired result. Classism, racism, sexism, and greed are major components in this grand scheme to maintain a society of ‘The Haves’ and ‘The Have Nots’. The term middle-class is given to the masses as a placebo effect. One either has what he wants, or not. We live in a world where mind games are played daily to confuse, distract and dumb down the majority of society. The tragedy of this unjust system is that most individuals don’t have a clue that they are being manipulated by a wicked 10 %.

So how can we straighten this mess out. Yes, life today for a plurality is a hot mess and the sad part is , so many are oblivious to why things are the way they are. As a man and woman thinks, so is he and she. There is a specific teaching that the people need to help them to know themselves , the time , and what must be done. This teaching is, and has been available here in America for 91 years. How will they know unless they have a teacher, and how will they have a teacher unless he is sent. We can introduce you to this teacher if you are humble enough to accept him.

Finally, let’s look at the devastating effects of the pandemic which struck the world approximately one year ago today. Life as many of us know it has been altered in a massive way. Many lives have been lost , many businesses annihilated , life as we used to know it has dramatically changed. Desperate times call for desperate measures, but there is a point that should not be crossed. Unfortunately that threshold has been passed and most of the world has been persuaded to take an experimental vaccine that God only knows what will be the detrimental effects of doing so. Who do you trust, who can you trust ? These questions today, and how we answer them will determine if we live or die. If we want to live, and if we want a stable economic life, listen to everyone but think for yourself.


Tyrone H. Muhammad

Do For Self Enterprises